Why Groom

  • Removes dirt, dust and debris from coat
  • Promotes healthy coat growth by removal of dead undercoat
  • Keeps coat matt free
  • Good for your dog's circulation
  • Increases bond between groomer and dog
  • Enables groomer to monitor health of dog
  • Removes parasites
  • Helps to reduce doggy odour
  • Less pet hairs in the home
  • Reduces the amount of dirt and mud tracked into the home
  • Cooler for your dog especially in the summer months

After a groom your dog's coat looks, feels and smells nicer, it sets your dog out from the crowd,
even your dog seems to have a spring in its step.

Nothing is nicer than when you receive a compliment on your dogs' appearance after they've been groomed.

Regular grooming makes your dog look more loved and cared for.
